Thursday, 21 March 2013

My braces story

Just changed my braces colour during last Saturday appointment, yay!!! Colour chosen is light purple, which I am very satisfy. Many of my friends also think that this colour is nice and suits me very much. Kinda mysterious and more mature, I guess. Colour changing is one of my favourite during this braces wearing process. For each appointment,  what I concern the most is always the colour! Every time the day before appointment, I will be thinking of what colour to choose, so that I can straight away tell what colour I prefer when the nurse pass me the colour chart. Even though my favourite colour is blue, but I found that blue doesn't really suit me. In fact, I look pale when I was in blue braces, especially turquoise. Such a sad case~

For some people, they might be wondering why don't make the braces less visible, why are we making the braces so obvious to be seen in colour? I'm quite a high profile person, if wearing braces in an invisible way, is not my style actually. Is almost the same like you have pierced a tattoo but you hide it with clothe. What is the purpose of piercing then? The Taiwanese artist '小S', she also preferred her braces to be obvious rather than invisible and even hosting a TV program with typical metal braces. Her braces diary is very inspiring. Because of her, braces started to become a trend among ladies and youngsters. 
I was a little shocked when my aunt who just back from company trip told me that braces are everywhere in Jakarta city. There are various colours and once you pick one, they will make it for your teeth. It seems a kind of teeth accessory like nail art. Maybe this could be a type of fashion in Jakarta. Haha~

In the blink of an eye, I have been through 9 months with metal teeth, until July then will be considered as one year. Compare to last time, I gain more confidence in braces which I never expected before wearing. If you have noticed my Facebook pictures, you can actually discover the changes of my face. If you can still remember my awkward in-out teeth last time, perhaps my long-lost 'cuteness'. I used to think it was cute to have in-out teeth, but when I found that my teeth is getting more and more crooked day by day. I was getting frustrated with it and that's how I got braces!

For those who are planning for braces, I am here to encourage you all. Maybe you might perceive that braces is only suitable for youngsters, no, you are wrong. In fact, many of the working class are also wearing braces. And my course mates also wearing as well! It is something very common in 21st century, so what to fear of? Imagine, braces can make you shine bright like a diamond~ 

Sunday, 3 March 2013







仿佛身在美丽的银河系之中,到处都是美丽闪烁的光~ 前面的大荧幕太逼真了,诺亚方舟真的启航了!

就在这个时候,现场转变成了红红的火海。 本来我还以为是灯光的因素,不对,连我手中本来蓝色的荧光棒也变成了红色!!!大家都摸不着头脑,只有很兴奋地跟着节奏摇摆荧光棒!荧光棒顿时也成了其中一个舞台设计,随着节奏,音乐更换颜色。这个荧光棒颜色跟换技术,其实是首次在大马应用。没人知道这技术的使用方法,大家都觉得很神奇。而有些自己携带荧光棒的,自然没能变色了。

看着看着,我才发现我的眼睛有点干,原来我看到忘了眨眼睛,深怕随时会错过其中一部份, 哈哈~在唱知足的时候,阿信叫观众亮起手机的灯,而荧光棒也被关起了。顿时,把体育馆变成了美丽的星空。然后全场一起唱一闪一闪亮晶晶,漫天都是小星星~这个画面,我永远都会记住。阿信说:“我们不常见面,我没办法记住你们每个人的脸,但我可以听到每个人的欢呼声和歌声,甚至可以触摸到你们的心跳!”


