Monday 6 March 2017


最近的我开始早睡‘迟’醒,感觉非常精神。上个星期五,我竟然在10pm睡觉,我几乎最最早睡的一次!吓到我自己。而且我这个学期的class 都几乎是8点,不早睡会在课室钓鱼 给professor看到就失礼了 不可以mempersiasui 哈哈哈

昨晚生病不舒服的原因吃了些药就躺下去睡着了。上个学期的我天天都玩到几乎两三点半夜,甚至更迟才甘愿睡觉。然后我回到Malaysia 的时候一直长痘痘。觉得很奇怪。然后我去facial那个阿姨说可能我的作息不好。但是我说奇怪我在上海不会长痘痘,她说因为在冷的地方毒素会被隐藏起来,原来有这样的事~



By the way, 那个window sticker不是我或roommate贴的,是本来就有的,之前住这间房的人贴的。

我挺满意我的宿舍,两人间。想分享我房间的样子不过 too messy 见不得人暂时不曝光哈哈


之后我才发现,原来港澳台学生也是归类在中国学生的宿舍。如果要住中国学生的宿舍是有点恐怖的,恐怖不是指那种阴森恐怖,是因为,你可以enjoy和其他人去澡堂一起冲凉,听说里面是没有间隔的!!CAN YOU IMAGINE?


我的roommate是韩国妹子,而且她人很nice的,是来这里一年读中国文学的exchange student,来自顶尖的首尔大学。

看这照片就知道不是近照,因为这不是我目前的hairstyle。第一天见面,她以为我也是韩国人,觉得我很像韩国人, 哈哈 还说我长得像宋智孝呢!kakakaka 听到我很开心,虽然我觉得不像😂


晚餐时间, jom😉


Wednesday 1 March 2017


好久没有写blog了 回到这里,我感觉我的心也回到了那年18岁(非要讲到自己好像很老酱)

看回我的blog, 看以前自己写的东西很好笑,不过,我不打算delete, 因为这些都是回忆!我的青春!!我的少女时代!

By the way, 我忽然心血来潮,决定继续写blog, 记录我在上海的点滴。我其实思考了很久,很怕自己三分钟热度。

然后我也在思考到底要写中文还是英文。哈哈哈 不过现在thanks to translator 这个功能,就算我写什么外星文人家都能看懂对吧?



当年大学即将毕业的我参加了一个很有趣的上海游学团,然后我就爱上了上海,而且我有种感觉我会再回到上海(话说我的直觉很厉害的)。在我的lecturer 的鼓励和一些质询下,发现我可以申请奖学金去上海读Master! 然后apply 了上海交通大学和上海师范大学(就是游学去的很美很美的大学)。结果,两个都得到回复,可以提供奖学金给我。
我最后选择了交大,因为ranking 比较好,而且给的奖学金比较多,我的学费和住宿都一律全免。于是我辞掉了我当时做得不错的广告策划(media planning)工作,然后很潇洒地买了机票甩一甩头发飞去了上海。

很多人也不明白为什么我不去其他国家好像英国美国澳洲之类的留学。Why Shanghai? Why why why? 这个问题问得很好,其实
以前我很希望自己可以去英国念书。而且我也没有想过未来的自己会这么积极,Degree 毕业了还要去读Master,而且去了中国哈哈哈
其实上海是很国际化的城市,来到这里就好像地球村,而且这里不像中国。我每次都会跟人说我有种感觉,觉得自己不在中国,然后听到中国腔又回过神来。 因为这里太westernize了(这part 以后我会再解释)。这一点吸引了我,所以我决定再回到来这里哈哈

我的专业叫Master in New Media Studies, 为什么要特别用英文介绍这个course,因为我读的是英文授课专业。所以很可爱的地方是我在中国学英文的东西。很多人以为我在这里就是每天听中文课一直翘舌那种,哈哈~ 不能啦,我是可以听中文课但是写论文当然是用英文比较好。所以我的班的同学都几乎是老外,不是中国人。我其实是班上国宝级的亚洲人,再加一个在美国长大的韩国姐姐。所以我想讲的是竟然在中国英文进步了很多,不知不觉,比在malaysia 讲更多英文。


我以前一直都有个梦想,就是希望可以在外国留学或者工作。终于,我的愿望实现了,在上海这里写着Blog,真的很感动!阿妈我得佐啦! *广东 

我希望我会保持我的热度,继续写下去!😀 没想到写了这么长,很长气吧?

Friday 20 December 2013




Wednesday 18 December 2013





Monday 9 September 2013

It's birthday month

Yesterday I spent my Sunday in my aunt's house of enjoying the food cooked by my aunt. It has been a while since my last visit to my aunt's house. We were being treated like invited VIP guests in Asian Food Chanel, tasting the mouth-watering western cuisines prepared by the professional chef. There are pizza, seafood spaghetti, bread, dessert and mushroom soup. Imagine all these get into my stomach one by one. At the end I was very full to the point my stomach is going to burst. >.<

We also had an early birthday celebration for dad. Dad is always dad, no matter how much I think I have grown up, I always look like a little girl whenever beside him, haha~ Today is the actual day of his birthday. Happy birthday daddy! 

I can tell that my holiday is occupied with a lot of birthday celebrations of my family. My facebook posts recently are always the birthday celebration pictures! Because most of my family members' birthday are on August and September. If we are the loyal customers buying cakes from a fix bakery shop, with so many celebrations in a year, surely the income will be majorly contribute by us. However, the cakes are normally buy from different places.

Few days ago, it was another birthday celebration in my grandma house for my 7 years old cousin, Jia Hui. Because of her favourite colour is purple, we designed the decoration in purple mix with pink. The celebration theme thingy was started since my birthday. We found that a theme can make a birthday celebration more special and meaningful. Thus here comes different themes for different celebrations.

Casual theme for my aunt.

National flag colour fashion for my aunt's birthday because she is the Merdeka baby. 

And my birthday celebration last month with colourful balloons! (Y)  

I really enjoy the precious time being together with my family. With the birthday celebrations, the bonds among our family members become even stronger. This is how the tradition of our family goes, one celebration comes after another celebration. :D Non-stop celebrations...

Friday 3 May 2013

Choir for TARUC launching ceremony

Yesterday, my TARCollege has officially become a University College. It was an unforgettable occasion to be the only performance team for the University College Launching Event. Because of this launching performance and performance for society day, we had spent almost most of the time of our holiday here. And finally we did both of the performances amazingly in overall.

Happy choir team after completing the performance. 

Before the actual performance, we have been through few times rehearsal to make sure everything can run perfect and smoothly. But actually I did not feel tired at all, only excitedness! And we had fun during the practice and rehearsal too.  

The ceremony started around 2.30pm. By the time the college hall was crowded with audiences, and somehow I started to feel nervous thinking about the performance later. I guess I kinda having crowd phobia. I enjoyed listening to the saxophone music being played before the starting of ceremony, it calmed my mind magically. Of course, me and my choir gang would not be just sitting there and listening to the music, we sing along indeed!  

After the launching and video presenting, it was our turn to perform choir! I never expect it could be that fast, our performance was one hour after. What I do when I feel nervous, I will keep motivating everyone like a boss: 'keep calm and be relax', 'yes, we can do it'! Telling others not to be nervous but actually I am the one who afraid, lol~ We performed the Rasa Sayang at first, then Satu Malaysia, and Laman Song as the last song. Definitely, the Laman song is the climax among the three songs, whereby we accidentally tuned the touching level to the max! Although the song has been created in the 80s, however there are many of the tarcians or even ex-tarcians never ever heard of it before. 


Thanks to our Ms Ang, my choir team, all the lecturers and staff performing together with us for making this performance a successful one. 

Met our admire Federal Constitution lecturer aka sifu here, Mr Chia! Look like his daughters isn't it?

Dear tarcians, start from today onwards we can proudly call ourself as uni students. Therefore, be more mature and treasure the uni life we have here!
Dear choir members, 
The hectic semester break is almost coming to an end. I am sure the time we spent together for intensive choir practices and performances would be our best memory collection. Those bittersweet and tiring days. I feel sad when thinking about some of our members are going to leave soon. We meet people for a reason, so the only reason we meet is because of music! This is cool right? You guys rock TARUC choir! 
Please allow me to confess here, well, I LOVE CHOIR TEAM SO MUCH!!! <3   

Thursday 21 March 2013

My braces story

Just changed my braces colour during last Saturday appointment, yay!!! Colour chosen is light purple, which I am very satisfy. Many of my friends also think that this colour is nice and suits me very much. Kinda mysterious and more mature, I guess. Colour changing is one of my favourite during this braces wearing process. For each appointment,  what I concern the most is always the colour! Every time the day before appointment, I will be thinking of what colour to choose, so that I can straight away tell what colour I prefer when the nurse pass me the colour chart. Even though my favourite colour is blue, but I found that blue doesn't really suit me. In fact, I look pale when I was in blue braces, especially turquoise. Such a sad case~

For some people, they might be wondering why don't make the braces less visible, why are we making the braces so obvious to be seen in colour? I'm quite a high profile person, if wearing braces in an invisible way, is not my style actually. Is almost the same like you have pierced a tattoo but you hide it with clothe. What is the purpose of piercing then? The Taiwanese artist '小S', she also preferred her braces to be obvious rather than invisible and even hosting a TV program with typical metal braces. Her braces diary is very inspiring. Because of her, braces started to become a trend among ladies and youngsters. 
I was a little shocked when my aunt who just back from company trip told me that braces are everywhere in Jakarta city. There are various colours and once you pick one, they will make it for your teeth. It seems a kind of teeth accessory like nail art. Maybe this could be a type of fashion in Jakarta. Haha~

In the blink of an eye, I have been through 9 months with metal teeth, until July then will be considered as one year. Compare to last time, I gain more confidence in braces which I never expected before wearing. If you have noticed my Facebook pictures, you can actually discover the changes of my face. If you can still remember my awkward in-out teeth last time, perhaps my long-lost 'cuteness'. I used to think it was cute to have in-out teeth, but when I found that my teeth is getting more and more crooked day by day. I was getting frustrated with it and that's how I got braces!

For those who are planning for braces, I am here to encourage you all. Maybe you might perceive that braces is only suitable for youngsters, no, you are wrong. In fact, many of the working class are also wearing braces. And my course mates also wearing as well! It is something very common in 21st century, so what to fear of? Imagine, braces can make you shine bright like a diamond~